Wednesday, July 21, 2010

420 smoke miles everyday.

Day 49. Death is on the air. I awaken to the sound of electro-magnetic vibrations within a self contained unit. It sounded like Woodman.

We do a little pre-awakening lifting with our dinkly lil 5s n 15s; not the greatest workout for me but pretty ok for Nell and Mommums. Plan is to eat breakfast down the road a bit so we head out.

We see some familiar old friends as we wave good by to Norton, KS.

We will miss you dearly. New friends are made quickly, as time will tell:

Saw a lot of this.

Some of this too. Dunno what happened after this as I whizzed off into dreamland enhanced by the beatums of Above & Beyond. Soon enough, I am greeted by a Cozy Cafe, that also happens to be an Inn.

Mom claims the internet is all a clamor about this place. After fooding, we all agree. Nell's hamsteak was great, my french toast's easy to boast, and Mom's short stack busted stomach.

Caffeine fiends at their finest hour. This of course leads to the question of the day (sorta). Why would a single bathroom have both a toilet and a urinal?

We may never know. We countine our journy for an answer.

Ah dude I love Nebraska!

Ah dude I love South Dakota!

We are to meet Daddles in YANKTON, the coolest city in the midwest. We are about an hour ahead of when Dad said to meet so we chill out in a park by the Missouri River.
Soruth Dakotans know their arts. Nell couldn't get enough of climbing around on things so I had to take her to playground to rid it from her system.

What's this thing? I wanna get in!

This thing sucks.

Shes all over the place! I can't keep up.

Nell can dig.

And EXCAVATE. All the running around has brought up a mighty thirst. If only there were outdoor dispensers of hydrational fluids... ah ha!

Just what I needed!

Sorth Dakota hates me. But whats this? Out on the horizon... YES!

No wait, its DADDLES!

Just back from his adventures and lookin good! We all hug and exchange stories. Dad decides all he wants is a beer, so he and Nell run off Sketchy Mc Skecherson's BAR AND EMPORIUM fer some booze.

I learn later that booze is one of the three items of interest in the Dakotas. I'll let Dad speak of this on HIS blog day.

Mom practices her "buh" in her husband's absence.

A triumphant return with all American beer.

We all sit around the park enjoying the beverage, despite the fact that drinking on the park is illegal. Thats why we carefully hid the bottles on the table!

Dad, however, enjoyed his the most.

After latching on Dad's bike, we press on a few more miles to Vermillion (no Lt. Surge yet, sorry), where we are staying. With some help from yelp, we decide to go to a nifty little asian restaurant just a couple of blocks from our hotel. The food there is actually quite good - Dad eats an absurd amount, showing the difference between active appetites and passive clearly. Everyone heads back to the hotel and conks out. EXCEPT ME, cause SOMEONE has to write the BLOG for HOURS before bedtime. Toodles!

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